Next Region 5 Meeting:
3/24/2024 @ 1400 Hrs. (Central Time / 1500 Eastern)
Via Zoom
Click HERE if you would
like to participate in
the meeting. (Enter your name and email (if using computer) or cell # (if using phone) to be sent link on day of meeting)

2024 Region 5 PD1, Detector, & Tracking Trial:
Hosted by: Middletown PD
Date: May 5-8, 2024
Contact: Tony Gibson or
Shelley Mehan
EMAIL: anthonyg@cityofmiddletown.org / shelleym@cityofmiddletown.org
for More Info
Happy Retirement K-9 Fado!!
Sheriff Michael Wilder has announced that K9 Fado will be retiring on December 31 after 8 years of service. Fado was imported from Slovakia and trained by Top Dog Training in Evansville, IN. Fado was donated by Chandler Police Department in 2015.
Fado has won multiple awards from the United States Police Canine Association Region 5 for Detector Finds of the month and Quarter. He has also won first place in multiple events during his yearly certifications through the USPCA.
Fado after retirement will live out the rest of his days with Deputy Miller and his family.
The Warrick County Sheriff’s Office appreciates the dedication of Deputy Miller and K9 Fado.
See Facebook Link HERE
Happy Retirement K-9 Gero!!

The Evansville Police Department would like to announce the retirement of K-9 Gero. K-9 Gero, born on 10-20-2010, came from the Netherlands and teamed up with Officer Doug Bueltel on October 15, 2012. K-9 Gero and Doug went in-service on December 31st, 2012. The duo worked 2nd shift motor patrol from 2012 through 2016 and then transitioned to 3rd shift motor patrol in 2017 where they worked until Gero's final shift on 10-25-2020.
K-9 Gero accumulated 88 apprehensions and aided in multiple other arrests with the hard-working men and women of EPD and VCSO. K-9 Gero located various amounts of meth, cocaine, heroin, marijuana, and numerous items of paraphernalia in both residents and cars. K-9 Gero also located multiple firearms and was credited with seizing thousands of dollars tied to narcotics sales. Doug and Gero participated in multiple public demonstrations over the years where Gero always loved the attention of the audience, especially the kids.
K-9 Gero certified yearly through the United States Police Canine Association in Narcotics and PD1 yearly, taking the Top Dog award in PD1 his last few years. K-9 Gero also competed and certified in the National PD1 field trials 7 times in various locations throughout the US and placed in the Top 20 on one occasion. K-9 Gero also competed and certified in one National Detector Trial in Albany, New York. K-9 Gero was awarded the Region 5 Catch of the Month and Find of the Month several times through the USPCA, and was also awarded Catch of the Quarter a few times as well. K-9 Gero was also awarded EPD’s Catch of the Year several times over his career.
K-9 Gero is now retired and will go home to live with his family, including his dog sister Kahlua who Gero still runs laps with in the back yard to burn off some energy. Thank you Gero for your years of dedicated service and for always having Doug’s six.
Happy Retirement K-9 Vex!!

Trenton Police Department - OH
July 27 at 7:43 AM
We have another retirement announcement! on Friday 7/31, K9 Vex will be retiring from the Trenton Police Department at age 10 after 7 years and 7 months of service! Since graduating from the Middletown Division of Police K9 School in 2012, K9 Vex has been deployed over 800 times in his career resulting in over 589 criminal charges and 741 drug recoveries. K9 Vex has performed public demonstrations for thousands of people, assisted other agencies 275 times, and recovered 15 firearms that were criminally possessed. K9 Vex certified to the United States Police Canine Association standards in detection every year, often scoring perfect and near perfect scores in the vehicle search portion. In his years of service, K9 Vex only missed 3 days of work and never took a sick day due to illness. K9 Vex will be retired home to his handler where he will spend his days eating cheeseburgers and enjoying head scratches. Thank you to all who have supported our K9 Program over these years!
Happy Retirement K-9 Lux!!

Congratulations to Evansville Officers Jason Thomas, Zach Elfreich, Doug Bueltel, and John Montgomery who competed in the USPCA National PD1 Dog Trials as a department team in Foley, AL September 24-28.

-Together, they finished 3rd place Department Team.
-Officer Bueltel and K-9 Gero tied for 5th place in Agility.
Great Job representing Evansville PD and Region 5!
Also, congratulations to the following
Region 5 members who competed as a
Region 5 Team in the USPCA National
PD1 Dog Trials in Foley, AL:
Robert Schmitt-Vanderburgh Co. SO
Nathan Baehl-Vanderburgh Co. SO
Griffin Bush-Vanderburgh Co. SO
James Eblen-Henderson Co. SO

Congratulations to Kettering Officers Brent Wright and Devin Maloney who competed in the USPCA National Detector Trials in Raleigh, NC April 2-5.
-Officer Wright finished 4th place overall in Narcotics Detection.
-Officer Maloney finished 8th place overall in Narcotics Detection.
-Together, they finished 1st Place Department Team in Narcotics.
Great Job representing Kettering PD and Region 5!

Congratulations to Deputy Griffin Bush and K-9 Archie with the Vanderburgh County Sheriff's Office (IN) for being selected as the 2018 4th Quarter Detector Case of the Quarter.

Happy Retirement K-9 Fuse!!
On May 28th, 2019, the Kettering Police Department had a K9 retire. K9 Fuse, handled by Officer Brent Wright, was a single purpose Narcotic Detector Dog.
K9 Fuse has been with the Kettering K9 Unit since October of 2012 and now heads off to retirement. Ptl. Wright and K9 Fuse have the distinction of being our first in house trained K9 team. Their performance on the street was nothing short of amazing from day one. During the course of his career, K9 Fuse has been utilized over 640 times, resulting in over 460 total charges. More than 150 of these charges were at the felony level, which includes multiple guns located/confiscated. They not only represented as well in the city, but also in competition, with mostly top 10 finishes in very competitive environments. This includes a 1st place overall ranking at the 2015 OLEKA Top Dog Competition and 4th place overall in the nation at the USPCA Detector Dog Nationals in 2017. Ptl. Wright and K9 Fuse have our thanks and appreciation. We hope he has a long, happy and healthy retirement.