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February 2017 Catch




On 02/02/2017 John Montgomery and K-9 Doc, were requested to the 2300 Block of Margybeth in reference to a fight in progress and a shots fired run. They arrived on scene and spoke with Officer Aussieker and Toney. They advised that when they arrived, they observed three males fighting in the street. They turned on their emergency lights and then observed the males take off running north down the driveway of 2308 Margybeth. They went down the drive and lost sight of the subjects but could hear leaves moving. The neighbor Paul Sulawske came out to Officers and stated that he was the one who had called. He stated that he observed the males run north when approached by the police car. He stated that when they ran, he heard one male yell "Buck the gun." He stated that after a short time, he heard a noise behind the house, which he thought was a car door shutting. As we were standing there in the street speaking to the witness, he observed the males jumping the fence behind his house. Montgomery could hear a noise behind the house for only a short second. Montgomery ran to the rear of the house with his K9 Partner to search for the armed suspects. The witness advised to use his gate.

Officers Aussieker, Montgomery, and Doc cleared the back yard and then opened the gate, which entered the rear of 2305 Pollack Ave. Montgomery observed k9 Doc tracking off lead in front of him, and then he jumped up on a trashcan. The Officers then knocked the trashcan over and backed away as a black male wearing a black hoodie popped out when it hit the ground. K9 Doc apprehended him on the left arm as Montgomery was giving him loud verbal commands to show his hands. When officers could see both of the suspect’s hands, Montgomery grabbed K9 Doc by the collar and gave him the out command and he released. Chad Elfreich placed the suspect identified as Lavonte Jones into custody with no other force used. As this was occurring, Montgomery observed Officer Aussieker taking another male into custody in a second trashcan. This suspect gave up to assisting officers as the first suspect was being apprehended. Lavonte Jones advised that someone else fired a shot off during the altercation.

After the suspects were secured, Officer Montgomery walked to area that the males ran and observed a pick-up truck unlocked in the back of 2308 Margybeth. Officers spoke with the witness who stated that was one of his good friends truck and the he would not mind. We tried knocking on the door of the residence and were unable to wake him at that time. Officers looked in the truck and observed a opened silver rusted box that had the handle of a semi-automatic handgun sticking out of it. It appeared to be rusted. Contact was finally made with the owner who stated that he does not own any guns and that there should not be one in his truck. CSU were called to collect the firearm.This was good work by Officer Montgomery and Doc in safely apprehending these suspects. A second firearm was located the next morning during daylight hours.

Respectfully submitted,

Sgt. Hoover

Evansville K9 Unit

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