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Find of Quarter (1st)




On Wednesday, 1/18/2017, at about 1200 hrs, I was doing a business check at 6270 W. Third St, Marathon Gas Station. As I pulled into the parking lot, I noticed a white Kia Rio, Michigan registration DAB1344 sitting at the gas pumps, on the east side. I noticed the vehicle had a bar code in the front windshield, a possible rental vehicle. The vehicle also had dark, illegal window tint on the windows. The front driver side window tint had been peeled off in sections. Hertz Rental does not place window tint on their vehicles. Whoever placed the window tint on the vehicle possibly did so with the purpose of hiding or concealing the driver's and passenger's identity. Based on my years of Criminal Interdiction training and experience, this is an indicator of criminal activity.

I went inside Marathon and asked several people if they were driving the white Kia Rio in the parking lot. No one claimed driving the vehicle.

I went to the Kia and looked inside the vehicle. I could see a picture sitting on the dash of one of the subjects inside Marathon that disclaimed any knowledge of the Kia.

As I went back inside Marathon of the east side door, I could see two subjects walking out the west side door. I could see that both subjects were nervous and separated themselves from each other. One black male, 5'07"/150, wearing a light brown jacket, red shirt, and blue jeans began walking fast towards the Olive Hill Apartment walk through. The second subject began walking towards the Kia when I began to approach him. I called the suspicious circumstance into dispatch and called for the second subject to stop walking. I asked for identification and he turned, looked at me, threw his food to the ground, and then began running eastbound into the Family Dollar parking lot. Once in the parking lot, the subject threw a glass bottle in my direction almost striking me. The bottle struck the ground, shattered and shards of glass struck my duty boots and pant legs. The subject, later identified as Dejuan Ramell Brookshire, B/M/20, 5/10/1996, continued to run, as he pulled up his sagging red pants towards the side of Family Dollar. I yelled several times for Brookshire to "STOP!" He failed to comply with my order and ran back east in the yard between a fence and the Olive Hill Apartment complex building. Brookshire ran around the building from south to east and I could see him open the door and run into 209 Pawtucket St. As I approached the apartment, I could hear a male and female yelling, "Get out, get out, we don't know you!" I ran into the apartment and I could see Brookshire running towards the rear door. Brookshire opened the rear door and stepped outside. Once outside, Brookshire fell to the ground, due to his pants falling down. I approached Brookshire and placed handcuffs on his wrists. I patted him down for weapons and could see that he had defecated in his underwear. When Deputy A. Teague arrived on scene, he took custody of Brookshire.

In fear the second subject would return to the Marathon Station and take the Kia, I ran through the Olive Hill Apartment complex walk through and returned to the Marathon Station where the Kia was still parked.

I deployed K9 Jax, certified State of Ohio Special Purpose Canine and took him to the front driver side bumper of the vehicle. I gave Jax the command to sniff the air emitting from the vehicle. Jax sniffed down the driver side and stopped at the front door seam. Jax passively alerted to an odor of an illegal drug by sitting and staring at the door seam.

The vehicle was locked. I attempted for several minutes to open the vehicle with a "Slim Jim" but was unable to gain entry into the vehicle.

A citizen, Earl McLearran, W/M, 6/26/1969 walked up and handed Deputy Teague a Kia remote key fob. He advised that he located the key fob in the parking lot of the Family Dollar store. The same area I chased Brookshire on foot.

I hit the unlock button on the key fob and it unlocked the Kia. A probable cause search was conducted on the Kia. Once inside the vehicle, I could smell a strong odor of burnt marijuana. I searched under the driver's seat and located a Glock handgun with a magazine seated in the gun. The gun was lying under the seat with the handle facing the front of the vehicle as if the driver or someone in the front had placed the weapon there. I opened the glovebox and located several boxes of Goody baggies, similar to those used to package illegal drugs for sale. There were also several bags of hypodermic needles and a plate inside a clear plastic baggie. Inside the boxes of Goody baggies was a large baggie of cocaine, a smaller baggie containing heroin, and a small baggie of marijuana.

Evidence was requested to collect photographs and evidence. Deputy M. Poulton arrived on scene and collected evidence. Deputy Poulton also took DNA from Brookshire.

Deputy Teague ran Brookshire through Justice Web and it showed a prior felony conviction for Illegal Conveyance into a Detention Facility.

Detective S. Morgan was on scene and approved Brookshire to be charged with N/C Burglary, N/C C.C.W, and N/C Weapons Under Disability.

After the necessary paperwork was completed, Brookshire was transported to the Montgomery County Jail.

Several assisting officers were unable to locate the first subject that fled on foot. He was last seen in the area behind the Cassano's running westbound.

The vehicle was towed to Sandy's Towing with no hold.

Deputy G. Bemis #219

Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office

Canine Services Unit

Dayton, Ohio 45422

(937) 307-0866

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