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February 2018 Catch




On February 7th, 2018 at approximately 1613, I was dispatched to 5323 Lenape Lane to assist The Marshals Fugitive Task Force. The task force had information that Tyler Stokes was inside an apartment. Stokes has a lengthy narcotics history, has fought officers and had an active AWOL warrant from the corrections facility.

After making contact with the residents, two females exited. When asked if Stokes was inside, one female said she just arrived and the other stated "not to my knowledge." After finding out that no one else was inside the apartment, I took my certified K9 partner Archie to the front door. I gave two loud announcements stating "Sheriff`s Office K9, anybody inside come out now or you will get bit". After not receiving any cooperation from inside the apartment, I deployed my partner inside to check the residence. Archie cleared the front rooms and went into a bedroom located in the south east corner. Archie would not leave the room and kept running circles around a bed. After jumping on the bed and trying to squeeze under the bed, we lifted it from the floor and Archie quickly went under. As soon as Archie went under the bed, I heard a male start screaming and I was able to see the offender, Tyler Stokes trying to push my dog off of him. Stokes had removed the bottom layer of the box spring and was hiding up in the hollow area. As soon as I saw Stokes did not have any weapons, Archie was given a command to let go of Stokes and he released his hold.

Stokes sustained several bite marks to his left side, left arm and back of the head. Stokes was transported to Deaconess Hospital to be seen and after clearance he was transported to the Vanderburgh County Detention Center.

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