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April 2018 Find




On April 26th, 2018 K9 Kudo and myself assisted the DEA Task force at the Cincinnati Greyhound Station. While there K9 Kudo and myself conducted K9 drug sniffs of luggage and bags of the passengers boarding and exiting the buses. The K9 drug sniffs were completed utilizing a five foot lead and flat collar.

As I was walking K9 Kudo out of the terminal to place him back into the K9 Cruiser parked in the front parking lot, K9 Kudo pulled me over to a couple pieces of luggage sitting by themselves near a bench. K9 Kudo showed alert behavior and then gave a final alert on these items. As I was standing at the luggage with K9 Kudo, the owner of the luggage (Carlos Wilson) came out of the bathroom and walked over to me. I asked Mr. Wilson if these were his belongings and he advised that they were. I told him that my dog had alerted on his items and requested consent to search, which he agreed to. While Officer/Agents searched his belongings his personal information was obtained and ran. After running his information, I requested consent to search his person, which he also agreed to. During a search of his person, one plastic baggie containing 35 grams of Crack Cocaine was located inside his front right jean's pocket. Mr. Wilson was arrested and charged with F1 Drug Possession.

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