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Find of the Quarter 2018 (4th)




On November 16th, 2018, , I was dispatched to assist the Evansville Viper Unit in apprehending a wanted felon inside of a residence. Prior to my arrival, officers saw the subject inside and called the other residents outside. The offender refused to exit the residence and shut off power to the house. Once I arrived on scene, I made my announcements and began to clear the residence with my certified canine partner Archie. Archie lead me to a crawl space on the second floor of the residence inside a closet. Inside of the crawl space, the insulation was disturbed and I believed our offender was hiding in the enclosed area. Due to the ceiling having holes in it, I did not deploy Archie into the area and pepperball rounds were shot inside.

While waiting for the pepperball rounds to take affect, Archie had a change in behavior. Archie, on his own went from focusing on the closet, to raising his head in the air and started walking me down a wall in the bedroom we were in. Archie closed his mouth to suck in more air and worked to an orange bucket in the corner of the room before sitting. Archie’s final indication of sitting while starring at a 5 gallon bucket informed me he had located the odor of a narcotic.

Archie was refocused on the crawl space and the suspect surrendered several minutes later. After the suspect was in custody, 3.3 pounds of Marijuana in separate freezer bags were located inside the bucket. The offender had several packages of baggies in plain view in the room and $5,700.00 cash on his person.

Griffin Bush/K9 Archie

Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Office

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