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October 2019 Catch




On 10/22/2019 at approximately 0130 hours, Deputy Rolley with the Vanderburgh County Sheriff`s Office called out that he had a vehicle flee from him and a subject from inside the vehicle flee on foot. Dep. Rolley also advised that there was a gun in the front floorboard of the vehicle. The suspect, a white male wearing all camo, was last seen running behind a residence on Cumberland Ave.

K-9 Officer Herrmann arrived on scene and spoke with Dep. Rolley who confirmed the suspect description and location of where he was last seen. Herrmann got K-9 Kismet of the vehicle on a 15 foot tracking lead. Herrmann K9 warning one time, "Police with a K9, come out now or I`m going to send the dog and you`re going to get bit." K9 Kismet then began to track behind the residence on Cumberland Ave. K9 Kismet then continued out onto Cumberland Ave. K9 Kismet then went to the rear of a near by home on Cumberland Ave and into the backyard. K9 Kismet then began to jump onto a tarp that was covering numerous items with several items also on top of the tarp. Due to the suspect being unsearched and possibly armed still, Herrmann lifted the tarp. K9 Kismet then apprehended the suspect on the left side of the stomach. K9 Kismet then released and apprehended the suspect on the upper left arm. Herrmann began giving the suspect commands to show his hands. Once it was seen that both of the suspect’s hands were empty, K9 Kismet was commanded to release his apprehension. K9 Officer Matthews then placed the suspect into handcuffs.

Respect fully submitted,

Sgt. Jason Thomas

Evansville Police Department

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