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December 2020 Find




On 12-30-2020 at approximately 1656hrs Deputy Baehl conducted a traffic stop on a blue, Ford Explorer. I arrived on the traffic stop along with Deputy Fentress at approximately 1700hrs and spoke with Deputy Baehl. Deputy Baehl informed us that he was going to have the driver step out of the vehicle to speak with him. While Deputy Baehl was speaking with the driver I observed Deputy Baehl ask for consent to search the driver’s car. While I was standing there the driver would not give a yes or no answer. It was decided to have K9 Dozer perform an open air sniff of the vehicle. During this time Deputy Fentress had the passenger exit the vehicle and escorted her to Deputy Baehl`s vehicle. There was also a dog in the backseat to which we had the driver remove the dog from the vehicle.

At that time I deployed K9 Dozer, a certified narcotics detector K9, on a six foot lead and directed him to the passenger side head light for a free air sniff around the vehicle`s exterior. We began a counterclockwise pattern of the vehicle from the passenger headlight. As K9 Dozer passed the driver door, on his own, he stood on his back legs raising his head toward the top of the partially open window. K9 Dozer then came down, closed his mouth, and began ingesting odor using only his nose as he worked the seams of the driver door. K9 Dozer then left the area and continued around the vehicle and to the passenger side. As we approached the passenger front door K9 Dozer had a head snap and again closed his mouth and began ingesting odor using only his nose. K9 Dozer again began detailing around the door seams before continuing to the front of the vehicle. Once we made it to the front of the vehicle we began a reverse pattern working clockwise around the vehicle. K9 Dozer continued searching around the vehicle until he made it back to the driver side front door. As K9 Dozer went passed the front seam of the driver`s side front door I observed K9 Dozer have a quick head snap, turn around, close his mouth ingesting odor using his nose only, and began working the driver`s side front door seams. K9 Dozer then sat and stared at the vehicle. This behavior indicated to me that K9 Dozer was in odor of illegal narcotics.

At this time I placed Dozer back into my patrol car and stood with Kevin as assisting deputies searched the vehicle. During the search deputies located 50.9 grams of methamphetamine in a clear baggy, 2.5 grams of methamphetamine in another clear baggy, 3.0 grams of marijuana in another clear baggy, several prescription pills, a syringe, a glass pipe with residue, a scale, and a loaded 9mm handgun. The driver arrested for Dealing Methamphetmine Level 2 felony, Possession of a handgun by a serious violent felon, along with other narcotic charges. It was later discovered the driver was currently on parole for Dealing Methamphetamine and possession of a handgun.


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